Saturday, February 5, 2011

Hereafter (2010)

Hereafter is a movie by Clint Eastwood, (that American Guy with the six-shooter and the weird hat).
It is a Nice Movie.
The plot focuses on three people, each one of them has a different relationship with death.
A French TV star, an American medium and a working class British Boy.
The movie follows the characters who search for the truth in their lives. Each one of them has just faced death (or the death of others) and are running away from it trying to lead their lives.
It's a very nicely made movie and i would not ask for my money back.
It's a movie that may stimulate your brain but don't ask for too much oh and it's not full of religion propaganda as somebody may believe.
I give it a 7 minus (out of 10).

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